Blog Question




Have you ever wonder how
can relieve stress
increase our immunity?

How stress affects Our Immune System?

Chronic stress affects the immune system by decreasing the number of immune cells and disturbing the function of the immune cells.

The production of Secretory Immunoglobulin A appears to be reduced by stress and anger. (Rein ect, 1995) Immunoglobulin A is an antibody that provides the first line of defence in mucosal linings such as the mouth and gastrointestinal tract. Immunoglobulin A can also be found in mucus secretions throughout the body.

Stress induces physiological changes to help cope with stressors. However, continual activation of such stress response affects the functional ability of immune cells. The gene expression or DNA or immune cells can also be affected. (Padgett and Glaser, 2003)

Stress reduces the activity of
Natural Killer (NK) cells. (Sieber etc, 1992) NK cells are a type of lymphocyte which has an essential role in targeting tumour cells and viral-infected cells.

Continual stress causes elevated levels of cortisol in the bloodstream which is linked to decreased immunity and slow wound healing. (Scott, 2008)

Therefore it is concluded that with stress, our immune response system decreases.

How to solve this?


We have discovered that laughter relieve stress and therefore improves our immune response.

How does laughter relieve stress and increase our immune system?

1) Laughter lowers the cortisol levels in the body, thereby protecting immune system from the negative effects of stress. (Whittle, 2007)
It will therefore increase activity within the immune system which includes:

-An increase in the antibody IgA (immunoglobulin A), which fights upper respiratory tract insults and infections.( ICBS, Inc, 2007)

-An increase in activated T cells (T lymphocytes) due to the increase of T-cells migrating to lymhoid tissue in the lymph nodes.( ICBS, Inc, 2007)

-An increase in gamma interferon, helps activate and increase lysosome activity in macrophages.( ICBS, Inc, 2007)

-An increase in IgB, the immunoglobulin produced in the greatest quantity in body, as well as an increase in Complement 3, which helps antibodies to pierce dysfunctional or infected cells.( ICBS, Inc, 2007)

-An increase in the number and activity level of natural killer cells that attack viral infected cells and some types of cancer and tumor cells by releasing chemical to disintergrate cell membrance and nucleus.( ICBS, Inc, 2007)

2)Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases infection fighting antibodies (Lindeman et al., 2007).

For example, levels of epinephrine were low after exposing to laughter. Epinephrine is a short-term stress reaction. Therefore when levels of epinephrine is low, it means that stress level is low too.( ICBS, Inc, 2007)

In addition, dopamine levels (as measured by dopac) were also decreased. Dopamine is involved in the "fight or flight response" and is associated with elevated blood pressure.( ICBS, Inc, 2007)

Other Benefits of Laughter:

A " Laughter" a Day will Keep the Doctor Away..
why not start now..
and bring joy to everyone beside You?


When laughter is increased, there is a better absorption in the dietary intake. With special reference to carotenoids and zinc, more were absorbed at a faster rate when we laughed. (MWSU, n.d.)

Zinc and Our Immune System Response

Zinc is an important trace element in our body, needed for:

-Cell Division and Growth

-Co-enzyme for 200 over enzymes

-Encourage anti-viral activity

-Anti-inflammatory properties

-Aids wound Healing

-Replication of DNA and RNA transcription

Adequate intake of Zinc is essential to maintain a balanced diet, which contributes to normal immune system response. Zinc boosts the reproduction of T lymphocytes in the body, which ingest foreign objects and bacteria, and is necessary for the body defence mechanism. (Shankar & Prasad, n.d.). Zinc must be consumed in the correct amount; not deficient or overdose, as both will contribute to health risk.

Therefore, adequate zinc intake is important, and with this adequacy, the immune system response of the body can then function at its best. In general, adequate zinc promotes immune system response.

Carotenoids and Our Immune System Response

Carotenoids used for pro-vitamin A activity, it is needed to enhance immune system and hence reduce tumour growth in the body. Examples of Carotenoids are Beta carotene, alpha carotene, Lycopene, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Xanthophylls, and Astaxanthin.

Carotenoids are needed:

-maintain the membrane receptors needed for immune function
-suppress the reactive oxygen species formed from radiation
-prevent many types of cancers

-protects the cells and tissues from the damaging effects of free radicals and singlet oxygen (Beta carotene)
-as antioxidant (Beta carotene, Lutein, Zeaxanthin and Astaxanthin)

During initial response to infection, free radicals and reactive oxygen molecules are used as weapons against the bacterial invaders by white blood cells. Over production of free radicals may lead to damage in white blood cells and neighboring tissues and cells. PMN, a major class of white blood cells when incubated with beta carotene, the bacteria were destroyed leaving the PMN undestroyed. However, if PMN is not incubated with beta carotene, white blood cells will be damaged by its own oxidative products (ANDERSON, R. & THERON, A.J., 1989).

Not only that, it can also cause chromosomal damage to co-cultured cells. Researchers have shown that both beta carotene and vitamin A prevented stress on the thymus gland (SEIFTER, E., RETTURA, G., & LEVINSON, S. M., 1981). It was also shown that there was an increase in T helper cells in people who were given beta carotene supplements. T helper cells help B cells in producing specific antibodies in response to an antigenic challenge.

In conclusion, beta carotenes (Carotenoids) are necessary for maintaining the integrity of white blood cells, and thereby continue to prolong white blood cells’ functioning, and promoting immune system response.

Laughter↑Immune System Response

ps/ keep laughing:)


Picture 1 : joanne lo

PICTURE 2: nanxin


PICTURE 3: rina quek


PICTURE 4: puiye

PICTURE 5: meijun


HAVE You ever wonder what is LAughter YOga?
Watch this!
It's hilarious and made me laughed until i had stomachache >_<

WATCH how a baby cannot stop laughing!!!

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